Welcome to Liverpool was the sign I woke up to just as we pulled into the snowy city after a 5 1/2 hour bus ride. I could not believe it was snowing, I only wore tights and boots with a short sleeve dress-thing and of course, my coat. I knew I was in serious trouble. I got confident about conquering the snow and then moved on to my obsessing that if I didn't get off of that bus in the next twenty minutes, I would throw up everywhere, seeing I was right next to the bathroom... I wish I would've taken a picture of the man who walked back there six times (and that is only counting the times I was awake to see him!). I myself used a coach bathroom for the first time... be proud mom, I made it out alive.
When we arrived at the coach station, I knew it was fate that a pink taxi would pick us up to bring us to Hatters Hostel. Our room was designed for six people so we knew that we could potentially have a couple others in our room. Come to find out, there was another lady (so it appeared) living in the hostel. I know I'm making assumptions, but there was a cross necklace in her armoire so I just left my backpack in there trusting that when I came home later that night, everything would still be there.
We then went on a Magical Mystery Tour of the Beatles. What an incredible experience! I honestly don't know anything about the Beatles, which leads me to address the question in blog title. Bess, my beautiful roommate, loves the Beatles, in fact she may be a little obsessed. So when she stopped abruptly to take a picture by John Lennon, she was shocked when I nonchalantly asked, "who is that"? No big deal, we have a no judging rule, which mainly applies to me. Only kidding.
Right before the bus tour!
The tour was great and afterwards we went to some family restaurant and had some wonderful food. It was only 8:00 but we decided to head back to the hostel because we had an early morning bus ride to Manchester. Me being my normal self, was in bed by 9:00, and I have no shame. Gracie, our roommate from Portugal, joined us later and was completely astounded that we were in bed. She had never met such quiet ladies.
The half hour bus ride to Manchester made me so sleepy, but a little Caffe Nero would do the trick. Caffe Nero is such a popular place here, and it's got the best hot chocolate in the world.
mmmm :)
In Manchester we conquered shopping on the square, riding a ferris wheel, touring an art museum, and eating at Hard Rock Cafe (thank the good Lord for American food baby!). While shopping, we found a store called Primark and it's like Forever21, but better. Everything was dirt cheap. We went to the art museum to kill time and explore, and it ended up being a really great experience. There was a section where anyone could write their thoughts on the war, or a place where you could put where you would be if you could be anywhere in the world. I, of course, wrote with Edward Cullen, charging through the forest on his lovely vampire back. Anyways... the ferris wheel was great, and there was a heater inside, which actually ended up being the best part. I don't think I really looked outside now that I think about it. I suppose I can do that on the London Eye, whoops! I ended up carrying my backpack the whole day and of course, I overpacked so I'm really feeling some knots in my back these days.

strappin on the backpack... stylish I know

the ferris wheel! weeeeee

chillin at the museum

the awesome "where would you be" collection from lots of visitors
So, that's where I would like to end my blog, telling you that the ride home on the coach was wonderful, quiet, smooth, etc. I can only tell you that I have officially met the loudest people that exist in today's world. The drinking only made things ten times worse. Having a good laugh at a joke is one thing but this, this was torture to the poor souls on the bus. I tried rocking out to my Glee soundtracks but the loudness of everything gave me a throbbing headache. Well, I'll spare you the details, but needless to say, I won't be going on a coach bus again anytime soon. All in all though, planning a trip was super fun and it ended up being fairly cheap. Since the trip, I've done way too much homework, finished Glee, ate a great Ben and Jerry's, started the Happiness Project, and began planning for my mom's visit. I'm so excited!! Countdown to Paris: 2 days.